Sunday 21 June 2009


We are now in Laos! We took the overnight train from Bangkok to Long Kai, which is the Thai-Lao border, crossed the border on foot and took a bus to Vientiane, which is the capital of Laos. Cities in Laos remind me of NZ - they actually aren't big enough to be cities at all! We went for a motorbike tour around Vientiane to see the Golden Temple, the Buddha Park (basically a field with loads of Buddhas in it) and the surrounding coutryside. The further out we got from the city, the muddier the roads got, until it became really difficult to ride without slipping - there was a moment when it looked like both Rosie and Nick were going to fall off simultaneously! But they didn't.

The buddha park was really cool, we could climb up/around the Buddhas - we went inside one massive one where there were lots of statues of skeletons and demons...a little scary!!

Also in Vientiane was an amazing bakery that does lasagne - Rosie, Beck, Nick and I went there for lucnh and dinner it was soo good.

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