Wednesday 24 June 2009

Laos 2

Some more photos of Laos!! Wil do a separate post on tubing in Vang Vieng though...

The first photo is from the bus window, travelling from Vang Vieng to Luang Probang. I honestly have never had a bumpier journey!! I was at the back of the minibus, and I was literaly flying off my seat at times. Very windy road as well, and the journey lasted 6 hours. Some ppl managed to sleep, but with the bumping and the twisting most of us were limited to listening to music or talking. That evening we went out for a Laos bbq - really fun. Basically a flowerpot filled with embers with an upside-down colander on the top, where you cooked the raw meat yourself, using chopsticks. Not the most hygenic, seeing as the chopsticks were touching raw and cooked meat...Mrs Addison would not have been impressed! However we all got through without food poisoning, which was a result!
In Luang Probang, we visited a beautiful waterfal, and Gary, Nick, Val and I all swam in it. Very cold water, and there were fish that nibbled your legs if you stayed still for too long!

After Luang Probang we came to Thailand. We had to take a 7 hour boat journey down the Mekong river to the border crossing...

These boats were basically canoes with a speedboat engine attached to the back. They went soo fast! We all had to wear helmets and black life jackets, so we looked ridiculous, like riot police. And 7 hours in the sun = sunburn! There was no cover on these boats - they were tiny. We all managed to burn. Also, the boat was really bumpy and noisy, so on this journey we couldn't even talk or listen to music. I managed to doze off, but was woken when we went over an eddy and my head crashed back onto the backrest. A journey I won't ever forget!!

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