Wednesday 17 June 2009

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat temple (above)

BTW Mum, this doorway was used in Tomb Raider - recognise it?? This temple was forgotten about during Pol Pots rule in the 70s, which is why it's all grown over.

Don't think Nick really did justice to Angkor Wat, so I've added some more photos!! It's not actually one temple, but a huge complex of about 10. The tickets were really cool - they put our photos on them! However, we all looked really rough in them, cos we had to get up at 4am to see the sunrise over the temple (which is meant to be really beautiful and worth doing) to find it was cloudy - saw nothing. Walked around various temples, which were really beautiful, and got accosted by a little boy selling postcards. The little boys are so cute in Cambodia - I can see why Angelina Jolie adopted a Kmer boy! Everyone is really friendly as well. We also got our photos taken by a random guy - thought it was because we were white, and we were all quite hot by then so scowled at him. About 5 minutes later two girls came up to us, with PLATES with our FACES on them!! I was shocked, and everyone found my face hysterical. The guy who had taken our photo had gone and printed themn off and stuck them on comemmorative (?) plates!! Very amusing - made my day!

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