Saturday 7 March 2009

Some Awesome Views... Enjoy!


  1. apart from the rather strange lake with orange precipitates, are you sure you're not in Scotland...

  2. the bottom photo looks really cool, where is it, what is the smoke and what is the grey rock?

  3. Helen, you wouldn't say that if you knew how sunny and warm it is here....


  4. Tom - it is the champagne pools in Rotarua. It is a site of geothermal activity (it sticks of eggs) and I guess it's a natural phenomenon...I did write a post with some other photos but our friend Steph has a much better camera than me so we thought we'd nick her photo...we figured it wasn't really stealing cos I was standing right next to her when she took it!! The grey rock is the ground where we were walking - the sulpher kills all plantlife I think - and the steam is made from the heat tat is coming from the pool. xxxx

  5. Roz u geek, thts really impressive!
    love u muchly x
