Saturday 28 March 2009

Eagerly of the whitsundays!

We spent two days and two night aboard a 28 ppl yacht cruising round the whitsunday islands. It was a racing yacht and therefore we sailed quite a bit, tipping quite far over in the process! Good fun though. The food was really good, and there was tons of it, and we spent both evening on the deck drinking goon (a really cheap boxed wine) and playing drinking games. I didn't sleep very well cos it was soo hot in the cabin - you could sleep on the deck if you wanted but you had to wear a jumper etc cos it got a bit cold, and I couldn't be bothered. The 2nd night, nick was asleep in his bunk with a full, open bottle of water balanced on his chest - as I had had a bit to drink my coordination wasn't great so I managed to spill it all over him!! He wasn't impressed, and made me sleep on the wet patch :(
We also went snorkelling (this area was still the great barrier reef) but visibility wasn't great and you didn't see the variety we had seen before in Cairns. Still good though! All in all, we had a really good time.
The bird in the first photo is a sea eagle that was circling our boat - a crew member kept throwing fish to it and he had a special whistle that called them over.

The last photos are of Whitehaven beach - the 6th most beautiful beach in the world. It rained. The sand is special in that it is made of silicone and therefore no matter how hot it gets outside, the sand is always really cool. We wore stinger suits to go swimming because of a deadly jellyfish present in the water - it is completely transparent and about the size of your little fingernail. Note that the stinger suits don't cover your hands, feet or head...I became paranoid that I'd been stung on the toe (the sting apparently feels like a hair being pulled and isn't that noticeable) - but I hadn't. The water was really clear and we saw three stingrays swimming really close to us as well.

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