Monday 25 May 2009

Kunming stone forest

'Loving each leaf here is the loving of yourself life'

After Beijing we flew to Kunming, a city in southern China. Here there is a famous Stone Forest, basically a collection of tall limestone columns created when China was underwater, thousands of years ago. Today it's like a land-based version on Halong Bay. We visited with Fiona and Steph, who we met that morning at breakfast (amaaazing banana pancakes!!). Whilst there, we got lots of requests from Chinese tourists for them to have their photo taken with us! There was also an amusing Chinglish sign that i included - it made me laugh. We spent a few days in Kunming, also visiting the Western hills (very similar to english countryside so I won't write anything about them). Had an interesting bus journey - the chinese don't seem to understand the concept of 'full'. Even when there were people hanging out the doors cos it was so crowded, the bus still stopped at the stops and people tried to get on. Crazy. Like there wasn't another bus on the same route coming about 3 minutes later...

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