Wednesday 4 February 2009

New Zealand!!!!

Hey guys, we're here now, finally in Auckland... god it seemed like LA took forever :P, i guss thats what happens when you see everything interesting (dead tramps aside) in the first few days...

A good tip for anyone interested... in LA we payed a dollar for 10 mins of internet time, it seemed alright at first but began to mount up... here in Auckland if you go to the library you can use it free for up to an hour :D... this is probably the case all over the world... we felt a little stupid when we found this out, oh well.

we're doing a tour of auckland tmrw and then on friday we begin our tour of NZ as a whole, we plan on adding some more pictures soon so stay posted :)



  1. Glad you both got there OK. Have a great time in NZ.

  2. Rosalind

    You were wondering why you didn't fly in a "straight line" between London and L.A.
    Its because we live on a sphere and not a two dimensional surface. The shortest distance between two points on a globe is an arc on a circle centred at the centre of the globe and joining the two points. It's called a great circle route. One such route passes over Belfast and we often see con trails of jets on their way to the U.S.A.

    Hope you are both having a ball.




  3. Glad you have got to NZ safely

  4. wonder if it has changed much since we were there 8or9 years ago - must have done a bit, libraries didn't have Blogging facilities!! Lot of corrugated iron if I remember, mainly as a roof covering, made a dreadful niose when it rained hard!! Hope it doesn't rain too much. Have fun Bx

  5. Auckland looks very watery on Google Maps - is there lots of sea? Cliffs or beaches? We have another layer of snow here - another morning of the boys hoping that their schools will be shut. Smartie looks as if it has been dipped in white chocolate!

  6. xxxxxoxoxoxox . no they're not for you roz.

  7. No snow here on the south coast, but no sun either, just very wet.

  8. Hahaha, Roz ur Grandad's funny...kinda reminds me of u(I know ur related n stuff so this isn't suprising)

    The tour sounds awesome!

    Lots of love to u both
