Friday 22 April 2016

Today, we visited the moon.

Gosh, it's high here. I made the mistake of taking the stairs to our room two at a time, and needed a lie down afterwards to recover. There is not a lot of oxygen in the air, which takes some getting used to. Our highlight of the day was a trip to Moon Valley (thanks Emma, Jack and Jade!) where we wandered among pointy stacks of rock reminiscent of Star Wars. Health and Safety was mostly absent, which when mixed with an oxygen starved brain, made for some interesting moments! Likewise, when I got too excited and decided to run along the track and my lungs shrivelled. Afterwards, we visited the coca museum, which documents the use of coca use in Bolivia and it's illegal use as cocaine. It used to be compulsory for Bolivian slaves to chew coca leaves, as this made them more productive and less hungry. 
Tomorrow it's off to the ecolodge!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, you wouldn't want to fall on one of those spiky rocks!
