Sunday 5 July 2009

Nick's bday/Trekking in the Cameron Highlands

Biggest flower in the world. Smells rank!!
In Malaysia now!! Last week of the tour, feeling excited about coming home at last!

This is the facebook link to Nick's bday photos - they're on facebook so those with an account can see them, and those without, unlucky!

We are now in the Cameron Highlands in Malysia, 2000 ft above sea level, so it is cool up here!! Actually needed a jumper last night - 1st time since Sydney. We went out for Nick's birthday, and I got him a cake made with strawberry jam - strawberries are produced up here, along with tea. It said 'Essentially for Nick, love Tucan Travel' on it, because he says 'essentially' all the time and everyone takes the piss out of him for it.

Tiday we had a really good day, went in a jeep up into the jungle on a mud track - I swear we almost went over at one point - we were tipping a lot! But it was really fun, if a little scary. We then trekked up into the jungle to see this massive flower - the biggest in the world. We then came back down and went for a quick swim in an icy waterfall. Coming down was fun - it was really muddy and slippy so lots of people fell over. I didn't, thanks to my shoes!! I was behind Annalisa and Anthony, the Canadian couple who joined our group in Bangkok, and they didn't have great shoes, so they slipped a lot, and in the end Annalisa gave up and just slid down on her bum. Was amusing to watch!!

We then went to a tea plantation, and had the first English tea in ages. Snunning views as well. Tried to take a panaramic shot - dunno if it worked though. We walked along the tea as well - I tred a leaf. It didn't taste so good - the aftertaste was like really strong tea, but the actualy taste was pretty rough.

Then we went to a strawberry farm, and had gorgeous scones and strawberry jam and strawberry milkshakes!

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