Saturday 3 January 2009


Dear All,

This is the itinerary we are going to be following.

28th Jan - Fly out of Gatwick to LA. Stay here for a couple of days.
2nd Feb - Fly out of LA to Auckland, arriving on the 4th Feb (we cross the international date line). Spend 6 weeks travelling with Magicbus around NZ, ending up in Christchurch.
13th March (Happy Birthday Tom!) - Fly out of Christchurch to Cairns. Spend 6 weeks travelling down the east coast of Australia to Sydney with Greyhound buses.
30th April (Happy Birthday Dad!) - Fly out of Sydney to Hong Kong, and spend a couple of weeks travelling by train around China.
25th May - Start our tour with Tucan Travel! Spend 48 days travelling around Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia and ending up in Singapore.
30th July (Happy Birthday Jessie!) - Fly from Singapore (at 2am!) back to Gatwick, arriving at approximately 1:15pm.


  1. Hello Roz and Nick. I am glad that I am following you virtually and not literally (too much clearing up!)

    Have lots of experiences, enjoy yourselves, take and post lots of photos and come back safe and sound.

  2. Hi Rosalind and Nick. Isn't technology wonderful! How useful to be able to keep in contact with your families and friends when you are in foreign lands. We will all travel with you in spirit- it's much cheaper that way!
    Look after each other and come home again -safe and sound- in six months time. xx

  3. Well,it beats spending your gap year on the tills at the Co-op!
    We'll enjoy following your adventures thanks to the magic of cyberspace.

  4. Hi Roz! I got an email acount so I can talk to you right here. You are SO lucky! What I wouldn't give to be there with you! I'm really jealous! Well, in 6 years time, I'll hopefully be going on a trip like you. Emphasize hopefully.

  5. hey thought i would join, when we are away we will have to keep an eye on each others to see when our itinerarys cross xxxx

  6. Well, no snow yet. How was Hollywood? Did you see any stars?
