Saturday 31 January 2009


Went to Hollywood yesterday and saw the sign and the walk of fame...then tried to find the hard rock cafe but it was closed down. :(


Friday 30 January 2009

thats me and paul, the australian who shared a room with us. none of these pictures do the temperature justice... at this point it was 28 degrees :O

Thursday 29 January 2009

First night in LA

Dear All,

We are in LA! We are in the hostel atm - which is quite nice btw Amelia - and we've just been for a walk along Venice beach. It is ten past 7 at night and we're really tired! The flight was good - amaxing scenery over Canada and unlimited films and drinks, two meals and champagne! BA is our new favourite airline!

Security was a bit of a hassle, with sniffer dogs everywhere (I almost tripped over 1!) but all the staff were helpful and friendly. We got to our hostel, meeting up with another couple on the way, and we've unpacked and gone along the seafront.

We watched another tribute to american laziness, they walk their dogs by skating along beside it on boards.

Btw, just for your information... our mobile phones don't work here... hoping they do in other countries otherwise we will be relying on internet cafes.

Tmrw we plan to walk around the beach a bit more, then we will catch a bus into central LA - a bus trip costs 50 cents :O - so will be writing again tmrw evening :)

We will post some pictures soon

Roz and Nick


Wednesday 14 January 2009

Time Zones

FYI - Time zones

LA [28th Jan - 2nd Feb] -8 hours GMT
New Zealand [4th Feb - 13th March] +13 hours GMT
Australia [13th March - 30th April] +10 hours GMT
China [30th April - approx 20th May] +8 hours GMT
Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand/Laos [20th May - approx 9th July] +7 hours GMT
Malaysia/Singapore [9th July - 30th July] +8 hours


Saturday 3 January 2009


just seeing if this works


Dear All,

This is the itinerary we are going to be following.

28th Jan - Fly out of Gatwick to LA. Stay here for a couple of days.
2nd Feb - Fly out of LA to Auckland, arriving on the 4th Feb (we cross the international date line). Spend 6 weeks travelling with Magicbus around NZ, ending up in Christchurch.
13th March (Happy Birthday Tom!) - Fly out of Christchurch to Cairns. Spend 6 weeks travelling down the east coast of Australia to Sydney with Greyhound buses.
30th April (Happy Birthday Dad!) - Fly out of Sydney to Hong Kong, and spend a couple of weeks travelling by train around China.
25th May - Start our tour with Tucan Travel! Spend 48 days travelling around Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia and ending up in Singapore.
30th July (Happy Birthday Jessie!) - Fly from Singapore (at 2am!) back to Gatwick, arriving at approximately 1:15pm.